For those out there planning to build their own Alien and UFO web sites, I have searched the internet and collected for you a comprehensive collection of Alien and UFO related graphics, backgrounds, gifs, icons, animations, sounds, music etc., which I hope will make your task of building your site easier. 

 I understand that these are free for personal use   only, but should any of these animations found here are your copyright, please  contact me and I will give credit where credit is due or remove them off my site immediately.

 If you have anything you wish to contribute,  or if   you would like me to include your site in the Link or Banner Page, please e-mail me.

Bookmark this site, as I am continually updating all the time.



Website designed & created by Alan Smith on the 5th January 2000

Last update: 4th March 2001

Current number of pages on this website: 216 pages

 If you find any problems with links on this site, please contact me.

Some pages may take a little longer to download, but please be a patient, it's worth it!!

Please click on a category.



Backgrounds Chupacabra
Borders Separators Rockets
Icons Planets & Comets Music
UFO's Stars Screensavers
UFO Sounds   The Daleks UFO Photographs
UFO Cursors Alien Buttons Government Agency Seals

UFO Publications Links Site Banners
New Roswell Evidence UFO Quotes What Is A UFO
The MAJI Conspiracy Disclosure News Programming UFO FAQ
UFO Groups Earth Songs     Why The Secrecy
  Life on Mars Mars 2001 Lander Participation

My first sighting


The Far Side Homer Says.......   Alien Song
Small Grey Tikaboopeak Alien Dance
"Warning Will Robinson"! Your Webmaster Cartoons



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