This list represents the commonest questions that people new to the subject ask about the UFO phenomenon.

We have tried to keep the answers simple, so that students and interested persons of all ages can grasp the essentials of this very complex subject.

The questions here are concerned with the UFO phenomenon in general.

For information on Roswell, Abductions, or Related phenomena, please  refer to those pages.


When did people first see UFOs?

Who sees UFOs?

What do UFOs look like?

What are the most interesting cases?

What are UFOs?

How do I become a ufologist?

How can you recognize a UFO hoax?

What is an IFO?

What do aliens look like?

Are people ever hurt by UFOs?

Does the U.S. government study UFOs?

Are computers used to study UFOs?

Where and when are UFOs most often sighted?

Is radar used to monitor UFOs?

What theories do researchers have?

Is there intelligent life on other planets?

What do you say to skeptical people?

What should you do when you see a UFO?


